Ana Maria Romero Mena on 5th Anniversary of ET

Experience Tequila launched in December, 2008. To commemorate our fifth anniversary, we asked friends and colleagues for their comments or reflections on our first five years. We will post the comments over the course of several months.
Ana María Romero Mena is the most widely recognized maestra tequilera in the field of tasting and sensorial evaluation. I’ve had the pleasure of studying with her in various courses since March, 2011. Her instruction has been invaluable in honing my modest skills as a taster, and she continues to have a huge impact on the industry as an educator and consultant on flavor and aroma profiles. Maestra, thank you for everything!

“Many congratulations, Clayton. I feel proud to have had students like you, committed to tequila not only with professionalism, but with heart. May you have many more successes for many more years. A big hug!

-Ana Maria Romero Mena, Sensorial Creativa

This testimonial is part of a series marking Experience Tequila’s fifth anniversary. If you would like to submit your own, we would love to hear from you! Simply email us