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Other Stuff

Agave resources, friends, authorities, and other stuff to
explore in our world


Mexico In A Bottle: Large, well-organized mezcal festivals in an ever-growing number of US cities. 

Monterey Bay Tequila & Cuisine: A classy annual tasting event in Monterey, California.

Northwest Agave Festival: A festive annual tasting event in Seattle, Washington.


In Situ Mezcaleria: Seminal Oaxaca City tasting room curated by mezcal scholars Sandra Ortiz and Ulíses Torrentera.

Mezcal Regulatory Council (CRM): Lots of useful mezcal information, including a brand directory.

Mezcales Tradicionales: Cornelio “Tío Corne” Pérez is the founder of the Logia de Mezcólatras in Mexico City, where he hosts weekly tastings and events.

Mezcalistas: Susan and Max keep an eye on all things mezcal from San Francisco.

Oaxaking: Omar Alonso is a great resource for all things Oaxaca, and a wonderful human being.


Taste Tequila: Creators of the Tequila Matchmaker app Grover and Scarlet produce quality research and videos on all things tequila.

Tequila Matchmaker: Must-use app for researching and reviewing tequilas.

Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT): There is a lot of useful information here, even if it’s not easy to find.


Journey Mexico: For bespoke luxury vacations anywhere in Mexico, look no further.

The People’s Guide to Mexico: The timeless classic for DIY travelers.

Word Reference: Great online dictionary and forums for Spanish language learners.


Alcademics: Camper English gets extra geeky about all things booze.

Drink A Seat: Our very own Kami Kenna on Latin American beverages.

Jeffrey Morganthaler: Insightful writing on cocktails, bartending, and more. Features some great writing about spirits and cocktails.

Show de Vie: Podcaster Mike G has serious interviewing chops. His chats with industry veterans go places that will surprise and delight you.

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