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Leopoldo Solis on Fifth Anniversary of ET

Experience Tequila launched in December, 2008. To commemorate our fifth anniversary, we asked friends and colleagues for their comments or reflections on our first five years. We will post the comments over the course of several months.
Leopoldo Solís is a legendary master distillery and Tequila consultant. He was at Cazadores in its prime, and has worked on flavor profiles for several brands made at the Vivanco distillery (NOM 1414), and Tequila Don Pilar. His explanations of the chemistry of fermentation and distillation are some of the most lucid I have heard.

“Experience Tequila’s contribution has been the diffusion of the culture of Tequila. They have contributed to a better understanding and, therefore, appreciation of this world class alcoholic beverage.

Congratulations for having this idea, and we wish you many more years of growth and success. Onward!”

-Ing. Leopoldo Solis Tinoco,  Profesionales en Equipo y Filtración, S.A. de C.V.

This testimonial is part of a series marking Experience Tequila’s fifth anniversary. If you would like to submit your own, we would love to hear from you! Simply email us


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